Friday, February 12, 2010

WD My Book World Edition (blue ring)

Western Digital My Book World Edition (blue ring)

The World Edition My Books works as Network attached storage (NAS). They also feature an extra USB host port to allow to use USB drive. They are accessed as CIFS/SMB shared folders, via NFS or FTP and also feature UPnP

Network Speed
  • Although MyBook Ethernet capable disks come with a Gigabit Ethernet interface.
  • VIA VT6122 Gigabit NIC 32bit 33/66MHz
  • 256Mb H-die DDR SDRAM (K4H561638H)

Controller Board

  • OXE800 - Ethernet to dual SATA NAS controller with encryption Linux operating system and Oxford firmware

  • 200MHz ARM926EJ-S Processor


My Driver had some problems. It takes too much time to boot up and sometimes it wouldn't work and light single blue light. When I powered my device on all the blue lights.

In that case I solder OXE800 IC and finally my device began to work. Also I have added a heat sink to absorb heat for OXE800 SATA to Ethernet controller.

You can change or replace HardDisk with another SATA drive. File system on original drive is EXT3. Just plug SATA PC and boot with linux and use "lshw -C disk" and you can see Drive details. (Clone OS to new HDD)

/dev/sdb1 ext3 2.80GB
/dev/sdb2 lunux-swap 101.38MB
/dev/sdb3 ext3 964.84MB
/dev/sdb4 ext3 461.89GB


Unknown said...

Hi. I have exactly the same WD World Edition NAS (blue ring) drive. Few weeks ago, I powered down the unit, only to find out it would not power on again. Absolutely no blue lights on the ring. I checked the power cable; no problem there. I took the HD out and mounted on Windows PC; partitions register without access to data. I think the problem is on the controller board. Any way to replace/modifiy the board to power up the drive to access the data?

zipwaves said...

Simply plug your hard disk drive to pc and find some software for Linux EXT3 file system support on your operating system. e.g:- Google "EXT3 file system support for windows".

urmo said...

is there any change that i have wd mybook blue ring but i dont have hdd from where i can clone data?