Showing posts with label Diagnostic Tools and Software. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diagnostic Tools and Software. Show all posts

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Check Fake USB Flash, Memory Cards, Hard Drive

Simple way to test fake external drives , USB pen drives , memory chips

how to check fake memory storage devices. 64GB, 120GB , 160GB pen drive or external hard disk drives can be tested using this simple freeware software. These software's write data patterns to drive and verify those written data. When some drives has large data storage size on its MBR but actual surface data size can be reduce or it can be zero. Like these software's can write data to location where path on MBR and check fake Drive spaces.

Check Flash Drive for Read / Write / Logical and Physical Errors

Sunday, January 4, 2009

USB Pen Drives Speeds

Usb flash drive speed test results using HD Tune
Click on image to view resault

Test your Flash Drive speed

Sony Results

Sony vaio 400GB USB 2.0 Pendrive

Maximum 29.6MB/sec

Kingston Results

Kingston DataTraveler (1GB)

Maximum 20.2MB/sec

Kingston Data Traveler U3 1GB

Maximum 12.2MB/sec

Speed Test Kingston Data Traveler U3 2GB

Maximum 12.2MB/sec

Kingston DataTraveler Mini (2GB)

Maximum 10.5MB/sec

Speed Test Kingston DT 101 II 4GB

Maximum 18.5MB/sec

Kingston DT 101 II 8GB

Maximum 20.0MB/sec

Kingston Data Traveler 8GB

Maximum 19.4MB/sec

Imation results

Imation Nano 1GB

Maximum 15.4MB/sec

Imation Nano Pro

Maximum 31.0MB/sec


JetFlash TS4G JF V30 4GB

Maximum 19.3MB/sec


adata c801 USB 2.0 USB Flash Drive 16GB

Maximum 29.4MB/sec

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