Showing posts with label Mobiles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mobiles. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Bluetooth INFO - control and read another phone via Bluetooth

Using this software you can control and read informations from other phone (Via Bluetooth). Most commands work if you are connected to a SE phone. Use this tool to Format suported mobiles and much more.

You can install this on .jar supported mobile phones.

Note : You can't use this software as a Mobile Bluetooth Hacking Tool. Because you have to pair both mobile phones using same pass key. The applications are free to copy and it is prohibited to sell them.

Screen shots (captured on 6600)

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Configure Gmail On Your Mobile phone to receive and send e-mails

Configure your Nokia or other models of mobile phones to receive and send e-mails from your Gmail account. To set up your mobile phone, simply follow these steps.

E:G :- Gmail configuration on Nokia 6600

  • Enable pop3 access of Gmail Account - Look inside Setting and POP forwarding Options on gmail web site
  • Follow these steps
Messaging -> Options -> Settings -> E-mail -> Mailboxes ->

  • Choose Yes. Press start to continue and fill this.
Mailbox name - Gmail
Access Point in USE - use your GPRS access point
My e-mail address - use your e-mail address (*****
Outgoing mail server - (Port: 465 or 587 )
Send Message - During next conn.
Send copy to self - Yes
Include signature - No
User name - Your user name
Password - Your password
Incoming mail server - (port - 995, SSL)
Mailbox type - pop3
Security - TLS (Scroll down to security port and choose SSL/TLS If you have it)
APOP Secure login - on

  • Back and select your Mailbox in use

Note : You can only send e-mail on Nokia 6600 or phones like that because that phones don't have SSL protocol on firmware.

If your phone supports the SSL/TLS, you can both send and receive e-mail .

You can try Gmail using web site to download software for your Phone supported.

SSL/TLS supported - N73, N95,

E:G :- Gmail configuration on Nokia N73

Messaging -> Options -> Settings -> E-mail -> Mailboxes ->

Yes -> Start -> POP3 -> Next

My e-mail address - use your e-mail address (*****
Incoming mail server -
Outgoing mail server -
Access Point in USE - use your GPRS access point
Mailbox name - Gmail

Now your mailbox settings are complete. After this go back and your created Gmail account and edit the following.

Edit -> Connection settings -> Incoming e-mail

User name - [your user name]
Password - [your password]
Incoming mail server -

Security (Ports) - SSL/TLS
Port - 995 , ( SSL)
APOP Secure login - on

Edit -> Connection settings -> outgoing e-mail

User name - [your user name]
Password - [your password]
Outgoing mail server -

Security (Ports) - SSL/TLS
Port - 465 or 587
APOP Secure login - on