Thursday, July 2, 2009

How to protect your videos

How to share your videos securely?

When you make a best animation or valuable video and you want to distribute with your permission. So you can log who can play and what number of copies you sell. The best way to do this is, if when someone want to play your video with one PC what he or she have to do is to purchase a license key that is valid only for one PC.

To do this, what you have to do in first place is to convert your files like wmv, avi, asf, mpg, rm, rmvb, mp4, flv, and vob to EXE or other protected file format.


MediaEncrypt is one simple tool to make that protection happen. You can encrypt and protect them as .exe files, share those files with your phone number and mail address attached or you can customise auto activation server via internet.

E.g. :- When a user wants to play an encrypted file, the encrypted file will pop up a dialog box to request the user to enter a Playback Password. This dialog box will display the machine ID of the user's computer. The user can send his/her own machine ID to you(the author), and you can create a Play Password based on the user's machine ID. After that the user can use this Playback Password to play your file on his/her computer.

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