Monday, March 16, 2009

View Free Live Video in Real Time

View Free Live cams

Livecams are live and real-time cameras whose images or video can be accessed from the World Wide Web, instant messaging, or from a PC video calling or video conferencing application. LiveCams are increasingly used as web surveillance cams to monitor security, traffic, beach, office, and other sensitive areas.Google will sniff out network cameras that have Web interfaces and the URL or link location to the viewers that have been indexed by Google. These cams can be found in the public domain so they are not showing any high security areas like military installations and specially inside of banks. So some people won't happy.(you get the idea!). So do not try to attack or make changes to these video servers that are a great service to the general public.

These are lists of live cameras on the Internet quarried by Google.

Click Place Markers and view cam

If you using Internet Explorer you must enable ActiveX Controls form Internet option -> Security -> Custom level ->

View Larger Map

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